пʼятницю, 24 лютого 2017 р.


 I’m sitting here in my room. I close my eyes and imagine myself travelling to Europe. How would I feel there? Maybe free. Maybe happy. Maybe excited. The one thing I know for sure I could be myself there. Unchained and fearless…
People, who travelled to Europe, say that they see freedom, respect for human rights and dignity. But what makes all those people feel that way? The answer is: European history, culture and values. European citizens know and consider their roots. They know where they came from and where to go. Europeans receive their strength from their history and roots, their culture and values. And this strength helps them defeat all the troubles they meet on the way to the future.
But isn't our history great and wonderful? Don't we have the same values? Isn't our culture as rich as European?  The answer is “yes” and “no”.
Once I read that Ukrainians were open to the world, to people they met. They weren’t afraid of strangers, but hospitable to them. Ukrainians treated each person as the greatest social worth. The recipe of happiness was freedom, self-knowledge, akin work and respect, and respect for women as well. Didn’t you know about that?
All of these made Ukrainians maybe the first people who lived on the land of democracy, except Ancient Greece, of course. And it’s back in XVI century. You know what I mean, don’t you?
But what happened to all that treasure?
Many people don’t know about those wonderful times. They remember only the times of darkness. The 70-years war for people's soul had been destroying that entire heritage. The times of fear and power made people change and forget about everything they appreciated before.
Yet I see the flare of hope. The recent events have proven that Ukrainians are arising from ashes like a phoenix. We arise in our desire to revive our soul and authenticity, to get back home. Get back to Europe... And we, the young generation, have to return everything we lost.
I believe in our future. I see my people independent and free. I’m sure the values of democracy, tolerance, freedom and respect for human rights will prevail.

                                                                                                                     Mykyta Volkov

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